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Photo Credit: Leslie Kennah, Rhizome Media


AIDA Canada was founded to provide the Canadian freediving community with a new opportunity to enjoy recreational and competitive sport in the spirit of inclusiveness and respect.


When you join AIDA Canada you can expect that this association of passionate freedivers will support your interest in freediving regardless of your ability or level of interest. You can expect that your fellow members will act in good faith and likely deepen your own excitement.


In order to preserve this aspect of our initiative, we feel it is important to identify and declare a formal Code of Conduct to be implemented and upheld. It will be used as a guide and standard for participants in our social events, recreational outings, competitions, national teams, education courses, media relations, forum communication, volunteer initiatives and all other activities related to AIDA Canada.

We ask members to use the Code of Conduct to ensure that they respect this approach to creating a vibrant and healthy community of freedivers.


A key element of the golden rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people, not just members of his or her in-group with consideration. – Wikipedia: Ethic of reciprocity


The above quote reflects AIDA Canada’s expectations towards itself, as an organization, and its participants’ activities. AIDA Canada wishes, and intends to excel at nurturing a healthy and constructive community interaction, living up to our goal of leading by example.








What is a Code of Conduct?

“Principals, values, standards, or rules of behavior that guide the decisions, procedures and systems of an organization in a way that (a) contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and (b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations.” – Wikipedia: Code of Conduct


Objectives for Our Code of Conduct:


To create a safe environment for expression and participation, with the following key elements:


Freedom to Express

AIDA Canada believes that expression will be nurtured from a greater number of participants when they feel in the presence of equals, safe from being personally discredited, and that their attempt to provide value through expression will be respected without prejudice of their person or ideas.

We ask you to be responsible for being considerate of the effect of your communication and actions on others and to actively support this code of conduct while taking part in our community.



The AIDA Canada Code of Conduct must be consistently applied to the Board and any other members who, intentionally or otherwise, participate with significant roles within AIDA Canada or with external partners.



When any members, including applying members, are deemed to be departing from, or undermining, the interests that AIDA Canada has set forth in the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct, AIDA Canada will take the matter seriously and at its discretion turn the spotlight on such behaviour and seek a satisfactory process of resolution.

All AIDA Canada clubs are expected to adopt, and optionally append, to the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct.



AIDA Canada’s Code of Conduct


All AIDA Canada members, member clubs, board members, volunteers, athletes, instructors, judges, and associated personnel must agree to and support this code of conduct:

  • Strive to treat all people with consideration, not just members of one’s group or circle of friends

  • Strive to adhere to forms of non-violent communication, both verbal and physical.

  • Encourage and support a diversity of perspectives.

  • Act with honour and respect.

  • Demonstrate courtesy, maturity, and care for other parties of interest to AIDA Canada.


Specific to online communications such as email, skype, or our forum, we ask for attention to additional guidelines:

  • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

  • Avoid making assumptions about other members. Ask questions!

  • Refrain from flame wars. Use direct communication over the phone or in person to resolve conflicts that become personal.

  • Do not use statements of influence to discredit others.


For members participating in local, national, and international competitions:​

  • Refrain from using banned or illegal substances.

  • Avoid any incidents of disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments or behaviour directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators and sponsors.


As a member and representative of AIDA Canada when interacting with community outside of AIDA Canada, one should, as an addition to the preceding, pursue and promote the following practices:

  • Promote healthy relationships and information regarding our activities and participation in the sport of freediving.

  • Demonstrate responsible media relations, considerate of how such relations may reflect on AIDA Canada and its members.

  • Communicate with emphasis on safe practices and standards.


Guidelines for members involved in an official capacity with AIDA Canada:

  • Disclose any involvement in conflicts of interest.

  • Adhere to due process.

  • Take seriously all complaints and concerns brought forth or witnessed by members, pursuing for due consideration with transparency and follow-up.



When applications are received by AIDA Canada they will be confirmed by email and then added to our roster. Applications will be put on hold under the following conditions:

  • If it comes to light that they have a continued demonstration in the community, or are reasonably known by a number of members in the community, to act in manners that strongly reflect a lack of interest or an opposing approach to the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct.

  • If an announcement of the application results in a complaint being received by AIDA Canada, consideration will be given as to whether the complaint is a sincere concern that the applicant is likely to act in manners that strongly reflect a lack of interest or an opposing approach to the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct.


In the case where AIDA Canada has taken the position that serious concern is present and considered substantiated the following will be upheld:

  • The applicant will be informed of AIDA Canada’s position and provided with all the information that may assist the applicant, or an interested party, to comprehend AIDA Canada’s position and to comprehend the necessary course of action required for the applicant to have the opportunity to participate as a full member.



At the discretion of AIDA Canada the following may be employed to reasonably exact discipline for actions that are considered to undermine the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct:

  • Verbal warning

  • Written warning

  • Suspension of AIDA Canada membership

  • Suspension from competitions

  • Further suspension depending on severity of offense

  • Suspension indefinitely



An applicant or member under review, or parties interested in lobbying on his or her behalf, wishing to clear the status for full membership will need to:

  • impress upon AIDA Canada that the concerns towards the applicant or member were unfounded or unsubstantial in the first place.


It is expected that the Board will reasonably assist the applicant or member to achieve their progress towards participating as a full member when such applicants demonstrate sincere efforts to proceed in the interest of the objectives set forth in the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct.



Agreement to the AIDA Canada 
Code of Conduct


As a member in the freediving community, I am a representative of AIDA Canada and as such, I am expected to conduct myself at all times in an appropriate manner. My conduct and other behaviour reflects upon the freediving community, AIDA Canada, its members, and myself. To be a member of AIDA Canada is to acknowledge comprehension and willingness to accept and adopt the expectations thoroughly documented in the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct.


Finally, I am aware that as a member of AIDA Canada, failure to adhere to the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct could result in, but not limited to the sanctions outlined in the AIDA Canada Code of Conduct section “Infractions”.



Questions about the Code of Conduct? Contact us!

Contact Us

Freediving is a potentially dangerous activity. Please take a course and obtain a certification, train regularly with other certified freedivers, and follow proper safety protocols. 


For more information, please contact us.

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© 2021 AIDA Canada

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